Pregnancy Warning Labels on cartons – a possible solution to a costly problem

Members will be well aware of the decision to implement a tri-colour, mandated pregnancy warning label on their containers (e.g. bottles, casks, cans) and on outer packaging (e.g. cartons), all of which enters into force on 1 August 2023.

We knew the requirements to place a red, white and black warning statements on cartons was a high-cost and technically challenging decision from the outset and we were bitterly disappointed when this was mandated. However, we now have an opportunity to seek an amendment to the decision through an application to FSANZ – paid for by a broad range of alcohol sector industry organisations across Australia and New Zealand. The consultation documentation can be found here, with the key point for winemakers being that we have proposed the mandated tri-colour proposal be removed in favour of warning label printed in a contrasting colour and in a larger format, to make up for the loss of attention supposedly driven by the tri-colour model.

Members will note that the application is made on technical grounds, relating to corrugated cardboard outer packaging. While we understand some winemakers do not use corrugated cardboard, if we are successful in convincing FSANZ to accept this amendment, the decision would – in practice – apply to all outer packaging.

Australian Grape & Wine will provide information to members in the near future about our submission and will encourage you to lodge your own in support.

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