As noted in previous updates, the regulation has for some time been undergoing a domestic consultation process within the European Union (EU). Despite strong opposition from numerous EU member states and other stakeholders voicing concern that the measure would undermine the EU’s Single Market, the European Commission allowed the measure to pass. The measure was subsequently, on 6 February 2023, notified by Ireland to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee (G/TBT/N/IRL/4). The deadline for comments under the WTO TBT mechanism was 7 May 2023.
On 15 May 2023, spiritEUROPE and The European Committee of Wine Companies (Comité Vins – CEEV) filed a formal complaint requesting the European Commission open an infringement procedure against Ireland for breaching EU law and EU Single Market with its labelling rules on alcoholic beverages.
World Wide Trade Group members are considering options for individual member comments to the WTO notification and Australian Grape & Wine has provided comments to the Australian Government on the measures. A recent local media article on the issue is available here.