Market Access Update – Canada

Temporary allowance for Ontario’s MRL for phosphorous acid

Working with AWRI and Wine Australia, we have confirmed with the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) that they will maintain the temporary raising of the maximum residue limit (MRL) for phosphorous acid in Australian wines from 0.1 ppm to 21 ppm.

This means that the LCBO will accept Australian wines that have been produced from grapes that had phosphorous acid applied ahead of the 2024 vintage, provided that:

  • any phosphorous acid residues found in the finished, commercial wines imported by the LCBO are well within the 21 ppm MRL expressed as phosphorous acid (or 30 ppm expressed as fosetyl-Al)
  • prior to export, prospective Australian exporters test their wines to ensure compliance with the relevant MRL, and
  • exporters provide the LCBO with a copy of the relevant Certificate of Analysis, upon the LCBO’s request.

Exporters should note that the changes to the LCBO’s MRL for phosphorous acid apply to wines produced from vintages leading up to and including the 2024 vintage, and are subject to its further review.

We will continue to work with LCBO officials on subsequent vintages to help maintain this allowance.

Further guidance in relation to the use of phosphorous acid is available from the AWRI “Dog Book”.

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