About Australian Grape & Wine Inc

About Australian Grape & Wine Inc

Australian Grape and Wine Incorporated (Australian Grape & Wine) is Australia’s national association of winegrape and wine producers. We provide leadership, strategy, advocacy and support that serves Australian grape and wine businesses now and into the future.

We represent the interests of the more than 2,100 winemakers and  6,000+ winegrape growers working in Australia. Our role is to help create a political, social and regulatory environment — in Australia and overseas — enabling Australian wine businesses to be profitable, sustainable and focused on producing and promoting the enjoyment of Australian wine, in moderation. These businesses make a significant contribution to growing regional economies by driving growth in jobs, regional exports and food and wine tourism.

As the peak national grape & wine industry body, Australian Grape & Wine will lead and represent the industry’s interests by:

  • promoting united positions, in support of, and backed by a diverse industry;
  • developing and implementing strategy to support the industry
  • maintaining and building our capability to respond to a wide range of issues; and
  • strongly advocating policy positions for the long-term sustainability of the industry.

As a membership organisation, Australian Grape & Wine is recognised as the representative organisation for winegrape and wine producers under the Wine Australia Act 2013, and is incorporated under the SA Associations Incorporation Act 1985. Our Constitution is derived from that Act.