About Australian Grape & Wine Inc

National Wine Foundation

The National Wine Foundation Inc (NWF) was established as a joint initiative of the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) and the National Wine Centre of Australia to commemorate the Centenary of Federation.

In February 2019, the management of the NWF was transferred over to Australian Grape and Wine Inc (Australian Grape & Wine).  The NWF was incorporated on 7 August 2001 under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985 (SA) and is an income tax exempt, charitable entity. Its funds are to be used as defined by its Constitution

Proceeds from the production and sale of a red wine blended from 1999 wine contributed by winemakers in all States and Territories were used to establish base funding of about $1 million. The annual interest earned on these funds is used to promote the responsible consumption of alcohol.

The NWF is now managed by Australian Grape & Wine and forms part of Australian Grape & Wine’s overall Alcohol & Health Strategy

The NWF contributes to programs that prevent alcohol abuse.  The Foundation has supported research projects including the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, indigenous industry projects and recreation and mentoring programs. 

In 2019, the NWF agreed to contribute $400k towards a collaborative project between Australian Grape & Wine and DrinkWise Australia, to create the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Program.