About Australian Grape & Wine Inc

The Grape & Wine Sector

Australian Grape and Wine Sector – Vision 2050

Vision 2050 has been developed by Australian Grape & Wine, in collaboration with Wine Australia. It is a living document, and many of the issues raised will require action within the next five years if we are to achieve our longer-term goals.

The Australian grape and wine sector Vision 2050 lays out the steps we need to take to craft a prosperous and self-reliant sector into the future. In doing so, it provides our responses to growing international concerns around climate change, sustainable development and international stability, while providing a platform for sustainable profitability.

Read more about Vision 2050.

Australian Grape & Wine in the greater wine sector

Australian Grape & Wine plays a vital role in the Australian wine sector, representing and advocating on national and international policy, on behalf of the winegrape & wine producers of Australia.

Yet we are just one part of a bigger picture, that contributes towards the sector’s success. 

Due to the diverse nature of the sector and geographical spread of wine regions, the Australian wine sector is supported by a national representative association (Australian Grape & Wine), state and regional associations, Statutory organisations, Research & Development organisations, and supplier representative organisations.

Below is a list of the organisations that with Australian Grape & Wine, underpin and support the winegrape & wine producers of Australia:

Wine Australia
Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
Australian Wine Research Institute
Wine Industry Suppliers Australia
Wine Innovation Cluster
National Wine and Grape Industry Centre

NSW Wine Industry Association
Queensland Wine Industry Association
South Australian Wine Industry Association
Wine Tasmania
Wines of Western Australia
Wine Victoria

Regional – listed by State