About Australian Grape & Wine Inc
Vision 2050
Vision 2050
Our vision: Australian wine: enjoyed and respected globally
Vision 2050 has been developed by Australian Grape & Wine, in collaboration with Wine Australia. It is a living document, and many of the issues raised will require action within the next five years if we are to achieve our longer-term goals.
The Australian grape and wine sector Vision 2050 lays out the steps we need to take to craft a prosperous and self-reliant sector into the future. In doing so, it provides our responses to growing international concerns around climate change, sustainable development and international stability, while providing a platform for sustainable profitability.
Australian Grape & Wine is delighted launch Vision 2050 with Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon. David Littleproud MP, and the Shadow Minister for Agriculture the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP.
Read the Press Release
Watch the launch Video
Download a copy of Vision 2050