Australian Grape & Wine has received concerns regarding gall-like symptoms being observed in a number of vineyards across Queensland, NSW, ACT and Victoria. Preliminary analysis conducted by laboratories in NSW and Victoria has suggested the presence of a causal agent that is a different variant to the previous Agrobacterium associated with crown-gall in Australian vineyards. As this pathogen is almost certainly classed as endemic, this incident does not fit within the usual biosecurity processes for new pest or disease outbreaks.
A management approach is being developed along with Wine Australia, the AWRI, Vine Improvements and Vine Industry Nurseries Association. The AWRI have been working with concerned stakeholders and have been instrumental in improving our understanding of the issue so we can determine further research requirements or whether an industry response plan is warranted. We are currently investigating funding options to address what is potentially going to be a very serious issue for grapevine propagation.
The AWRI has developed the following resources on crown gall:
The AWRI has also released an ebulletin for concerned businesses.
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Industry Offices
National Wine Centre
Botanic Road
Adelaide SA 5000
Postal Address
PO Box 2414
Kent Town SA 5071
Tel: +618 8133 4300