Industry Resources

Packaging Resources

Australian Grape & Wine, working with its industry Packaging Committee, have developed this page in order to consolidate useful resources and updates relevant to wine sector packaging in a clear and concise manner.

At its centre, Australian Grape and Wine’s Wine Packaging Guidelines provide an important industry best practice resource for the use of wine packaging. This resource is regularly reviewed and amended with guidance from the Packaging Committee as well as technical advice from the Australian Wine Research Institute and supplier input from Wine Industry Suppliers Association.

The Wine Packaging Guideline and additional packaging resources and updates can be accessed at links below:


Australian Grape & Wine – Wine Packaging Guidelines (August 2022)
Recent amendments include technical guidance on use of cans as an emerging container type.   

Australian Grape & Wine – Packaging Committee

Australian Wine Research Institute –  Packaging resources page

Wine Australia – Domestic labelling requirements

Wine Australia –Packager’s guide to the Label Integrity Program

Wine Industry Suppliers Association (WISA)

Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)


Pregnancy warning

Allergen labelling

Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages

Container Deposit Schemes