Industry Resources

The Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases

The Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases has been developed as a foundation for building relationships between growers and winemakers that are fair, equitable and mutually beneficial as well as to provide a quick and cost-effective dispute resolution mechanism.  The Code sets minimum standards relating to grape purchasing including mechanisms for determining price, quality assessment for the purpose of affecting price and payment terms. Additional recommendations relating to ‘best practice’ in successful partnerships are included as a supplement to the provisions of the Code.

This is a voluntary industry owned Code and we are fortunate to have retained the flexibility that such a code provides for. However it is evident that a significant improvement in winemaker signatories is required to safeguard against a mandatory Code.  Therefore we recommend that all winemakers who purchase grapes should sign this Code.

Quick Links:

Download the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases

Call for Independent Experts

Webinar Recording: Q&A Panel Session – 8 October 2020

Frequently Asked Questions about the Code

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Code Signatory Notification

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