Industry Resources

Dispute Resolution

Before commencing a formal dispute resolution process senior representatives of each party should use their best endeavours to resolve the dispute by discussion and negotiation. Should these negotiations fail, an expert determination or a conciliation may be required.

The dispute will be directed down one of three pathways, based on information provided to the Secretariat:

  • an Independent Technical Expert, if the Dispute relates to whether Grapes have been correctly assessed in accordance with the requirements set out in the Agreement; or
  • an Independent Pricing Expert, if the Dispute relates to whether the price for the Grapes has been properly determined but does not relate to whether Grapes have been correctly assessed.
  • Conciliator for all other disputes such as those related to whether an Agreement has been breached.

Contact the Code Secretariat

Independent Expert Determination


Download Notice of Dispute template

Webinar – Resolving a Dispute

Webinar – Assessing the Performance of grape assessment procedures

Register of Independent Pricing Experts

Register of Independent Technical Experts

Register of Approved Conciliators and Conciliation Bodies