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As advised in our May 2021 member news, on 25 February 2021 the Australia and New Zealand Food Standard Code (FSC) was amended to introduce new requirements for the labelling of allergens in food. These amendments include impactions for wine under (S9-3) Mandatory Declarations of the FSC. Key changes include mandatory requirements for allergen labelling

On 30 June 2022, New Zealand (NZ) and the European Union (EU) announced they had concluded negotiations of their Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The Australian Trade Minister, Senator the Hon Don Farrell, has also publicly stated the Australian Government’s intentions to finalise Australia’s FTA with the EU by the end of the year. The NZ-EU

Prosecco Singapore

15 July 2022

As noted in previous updates there is an appeal to our favourable Singapore High Court decision with the Appellate Division of the Singapore High Court. As part of this process, both parties have agreed to consider options for a mediated outcome through the World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Centre (“WIPO Centre”). This mediation

The European Commission is running a consultation (TRIS) process for comment on the original Irish Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2018. The consultation document can be found at TRIS consultation on a draft regulation for the Irish “Public Health (Alcohol) (Labelling) 2022 and is yet to be notified to the World Trade Organization. The prescribed form of

Sustainability was a key theme at the Australian Wine Industry technical conference with a clear mandate that more and more businesses will need to demonstrate their ESG credentials. The pressure to do so is no longer confined to retailers, as banks, investors and trading partner nations are all equally interested in the ESG credentials of

Biosecurity is fast becoming an accepted part of any agricultural business. The arrival of Varroa mite late last month, first detected around Newcastle, has fuelled concerns amongst Australia’s almond producers who are predicting that it could cost the industry tens of millions. Varroa mite is an external parasite of honey bees and is considered the

Following our previous update, Australian Grape & Wine has continued to work with the sector, Government, and international colleagues to advocate on behalf of Australian wine for changes to the proposed UK tax reforms. This included: •             Coordinating Australian wine company responses and agreement on common Australian wine sector messaging; •             Briefing Australian Government Minister’s

Since the change of Government in Australia’s federal election in May, there has been some interest in the media and within industry around what this could mean for a possible thawing of the political relations between Australia and China. (ABC Article Will the change of Australian government end the trade war with China? illustrates the business

Several new plant pest detections in Australia highlight why vineyard hygiene and surveillance will become increasingly important in Australian vineyards. We all have a much deeper understanding of the importance of biosecurity and its worth taking the time to think about how this new knowledge might be applied to protecting vine health. If you spot

Rural Aid

6 June 2022

The last two years have been tough for many businesses, with rising input costs and Covid. The grape and wine sector has suffered its own set of challenges including the loss of its most significant export market, China. There are many businesses likely to be seeking support to plan for the structural changes ahead as

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