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In September 2021, Ministers Tehan and Goyal formally re-launched the India-Australia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement negotiations( CECA)  and reaffirmed their commitment to conclude a CECA, including to reach an interim agreement by December 2021 to liberalise and deepen bilateral trade in goods and services, and to conclude the negotiations on a full CECA by the

Australia – EU Free Trade Agreement The 12th Round of negotiations were held virtually between 7-18 February.  The round saw progress made in a number of areas including government procurement, second round of market access offers and progression across a number of chapter texts. For wine relevant ongoing discussions include the treatment of the Wine

The Australian process for ratification of the Australia-UK FTA is now underway with the initiation of an inquiry into and report on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  This is part of the normal ratification process of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and once completed

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022, Australian Grape & Wine’s Diversity Equality & Inclusion in Wine (DEIW) Committee commissioned a short video montage

Winegrape Market Matters

3 February 2022

With 2021 behind us, it would be nice to think we could go into 2022 with some optimism, but the new year comes with a new set of challenges. Closure of the China market, freight shortages and a record 2.1million tonne 2021 vintage have converged to create a concerning supply demand imbalance. Many wine producers

Energy Labelling on Wine

3 February 2022

A further challenge for the sector currently concerns energy labelling. In response to a request from food ministers, FSANZ has been exploring energy labelling of alcoholic beverages. In June 2021, FSANZ completed an evidence assessment, including a literature review on consumer value, understanding and behaviour relating to energy labelling of alcoholic beverages, which concluded that labelling is

Many of you will have heard about the United Kingdom’s (UK) review of alcohol taxation. When launching the review, the UK Government set out three objectives that reform should address: a) Simplifying the current system; b) Making the basis of alcohol taxation more economically rational, with fewer distortions and arbitrary distinctions; and c) Reducing the

As foreshadowed in the December update, the opposing party (Prosecco Consortium) has filed its appeal to the Appellate Division of the Singapore High Court against its decision in our favour. This is the highest and final appeals process available in Singapore under the GI provisions. It will involve filing of evidence, case for the appeal,

New requirements for Registration of Overseas Producers of Imported Foods As noted in previous updates, China has implemented its new requirements for ‘Registration of Overseas Producers of Imported Foods’ at the end of 2021, requiring wine producers to self-register online with General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) for any products being exported. While there

United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement On 17 December 2021 Australia and the United Kingdom (UK) signed the Australia – United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement. It is a landmark agreement, and one of the first to be finalised with the UK since Brexit. For wine, the FTA will see the elimination of import tariffs on entry

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