Media & Events Centre


Australian Grape & Wine are pleased to announce that there have been over twenty new Signatories to the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases. For those who are yet to sign, you can do so online in less than a minute. We would like to acknowledge those who have shown their support for fair

UK Scrap burdensome VI-1 Certificate The post-Brexit landscape is already starting to pay dividends for Australian wine producers, with the removal of import tariffs for wine announced last month under our Free Trade Agreement; and further good news announced in recent weeks of the removal of VI-1 Certificate requirements. Australian Wine producers woke to the

Australian Grape & Wine is seeking nominations to join the national wine industry’s Sustainability Strategic Advisory Committee. The Committee will provide advice on emerging issues impacting the sustainability of grape and wine producers as well as the national assurance program, Sustainable Winegrowing Australia. Nominations will be assessed based on skills and experience as outlined on

A new article was published on 28 July 2021 by Julia Stafford, Chair of the Cancer Council Alcohol Working Group, asserting that a number of ABAC signatories had failed to age restrict some of their Facebook/Instagram accounts, asserting that given this is a clear ABAC requirement it represents a failure of the ABAC system In

Australian Grape & Wine hosted a Livestream of our Annual Industry Briefing on Tuesday 20 July 2021, broadcasting on YouTube and Facebook platforms. Watch a full recording of the Industry Briefing and view the presentation decks here.

A new national website has been launched as a hub for biosecurity information. The website is a hub for public information with links to help individuals and businesses understand their biosecurity responsibilities.

A recent Bill to amend the Water Act 2007 will strengthen compliance and enforcement, providing power to an independent Inspector General for Water Compliance to impose penalties for water theft and illegal water trading offences. The amendments laid out in the Bill also stipulate that no further water be taken when the basin plan concludes

Australia – UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations On 22 and 23 April 2021 Minister Tehan met with United Kingdom (UK) Secretary of State, Truss and agreed to step up negotiations and hold weekly discussions, with a view to announcing an ‘in-principle agreement’ on these negotiations by the Prime Minsters at the June G7 Summit from

Plant Health Australia Limited (PHA) invites applications from persons wishing to be considered for appointment as Non-Executive Directors of the company. Click on the link below for more information. PHA Non-Executive Directors Advertisement

Market diversification Market diversification has been the key focus for Australian Grape & Wine in recent months. A major part of this is the development and implementation of short, medium and long-term strategies to remove trade barriers and improve market access. We have been working on outlining key trade barriers and market access priorities as

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