Media & Events Centre


A new Plant Surveillance network convened by Plant Health Australia is calling for anyone involved in any crop monitoring for pests and diseases to consider joining the network. Plant Surveillance Network Australasia–Pacific To be eligible to join the PSNAP you should be working in agriculture and horticulture in Australia, New Zealand, Pacific nations or neighbouring

Throughout 2020, Australian Grape & Wine considered and implemented a number of improvements to the  Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases. The review involved significant input from our Code Management Committee, representative of both growers and winemakers. Australian Grape and Wine are now inviting all interested parties who operated under the Code this vintage,

Australian Grape & Wine invites grape and wine businesses around Australia to tune in to the Livestream of our Annual Industry Briefing. Hear from leaders and experts in their field, as we cover the challenges currently facing Australian grape and wine businesses and discuss how we can plan for the future together. Phillip Coorey, Federal Political

Australian Wine CONNECT – Exhibit nowCONNECT is officially live to international trade and has seen over 14,000 page views since the launch event a week ago. It’s not too late for Australian wineries and exporters to register to exhibit on this transformative platform and explore this new way to do business.Find out more and register

Australian Grape & Wine members are advised that the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) will be undertaking compliance audits in South Australia, Victoria and Western Australian vineyards. The FWO has indicated its Inspectors will commence vineyard visits in June 2021 around the time that pruning is underway, and further inspections will be undertaken during the vintage

Market Diversification There have been a number of support packages and resourcing announced in recent months at both the State and Federal level to support the sectors’ market diversification efforts. These include: Australian Federal Government Agribusiness Expansion Initiate (ABEI) $72.7 million Wine Australia platforms and programs using industry levies State Government supports – Announced by

You may be aware that the team at the Department of Primary Industries and Regions – in conjunction with SA Health and SA Police – have been hard at work to identify and set up a suitable quarantine facility in South Australia to host much needed seasonal workers. This important facility has been established at

The EU is committed to addressing global challenges like climate change. On 16 September 2020, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a legislative proposal on a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) for selected sectors, scheduled for 2021. In its 2021 Work Programme, the Commission plans to table proposals for a CBAM in the second

China – April 2021

6 April 2021

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MofCom) made its final determinations on the Countervailing Duties Investigation and the Anti-Dumping Investigation on 26 March 2021. The final decisions uphold the preliminary findings for both investigations (dumping, subsidisation, injury to domestic industry) and imposed countervailing duties of 6.3–6.4 per cent (varying by company), and anti-dumping tariffs for: Treasury Wine

Prosecco in SingaporeFor those following our previous efforts to protect the use of Prosecco across the globe, Australian Grape & Wine has progressed its legal battle for the protection of Australian producers’ rights to label the variety in Singapore. Several years ago, the Italian Prosecco Consortium lodged an application with Singapore Intellectual Property Office to

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