Media & Events Centre


Attention all international wine exporters and importers in Australia.  Ship wine between 2 November 2020 and 28 February 2021 to enter our FedEx Wine Shipping promotion. Every wine shipment counts as one entry to our draw, to win up to $1000 worth of prizes.  FedEx is offering four (4) $250 value prizes of either FedEx

The ACCC has released their latest Small Business in Focus report, providing people with a snapshot of their activities in small business, franchising and agriculture during the first half of 2020. Between January and June they received 112 reports and 40 enquiries about agriculture related issues. This is a 50 percent increase in overall contacts

Australian Grape & Wine has updated its information on the anti-dumping investigation on Australian wine in China in the Trade & Market Access page on this website. For accurate and timely information visit the China anti-dumping investigation page. 

Glyphosate Safety

5 August 2020

Pest, disease and weed management is a problem we all face in viticulture. Australian Grape & Wine supports sustainable management approach that considers non-chemical alternatives where they are feasible. We also support a transparent and scientific evidence-based approach to risk assessments that inform regulatory decisions by Governments. We do so in recognition that a broader

Last week the Australian Government announced it had reached an agreement with Canada to remove unfair restrictions on Australian wine sales imposed by the Canadian Federal Government and in some provinces. While the text of this agreement is yet to be released we have provided a summary of the outcomes to help you understand what

In these extremely challenging times for the wine sector, growers and wineries need to be particularly careful in exposing themselves to potential bad debts.  If you are selling grapes or wine on credit, you must ensure that the debt is secured. Read more…

Vision 2050

24 June 2020

24 June 2020 Australian Grape & Wine is delighted to welcome strong bipartisan support for Vision 2050 from Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon. David Littleproud MP, and the Shadow Minister for Agriculture the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP. We are thrilled to release VISION 2050 with David Littleproud MP & Joel

Digital Resources There are many webinar’s currently available to assist businesses through the recent bushfire and COVID-19 crisis’.  Wine Australia and the AWRI both have resources designed specifically for grape and wine businesses.   Wine Australia Wine Australia free business support webinars Research has shown that the right marketing strategy during a crisis can actually

Responsible drinking It has never been more important for the sector to ensure its advertising and marketing are responsible. The anti-alcohol lobby is using the COVID-19 crisis to attack the wine industry. Anti-alcohol advocacy group, the Foundation of Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), are claiming one in five Australians have purchased more alcohol than usual

New $500 million Government loan package for exporters Australian exporters impacted by the COVID-19 crisis will now have access to business-saving loans between $250,000 and $50 million under a new $500 million capital facility, to be administered by Export Finance Australia. The new COVID-19 Export Capital Facility will target loans to established and previously profitable

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