Media & Events Centre


On 24 May 2023, the UKs Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) announced a comprehensive Wine Reforms Consultation process aimed at harmonising regulation to improve trade. There are a number of opportunities in this process to remove technical and regulatory barriers to trade. Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia are currently engaging

As noted in previous updates, the new requirements for on-label energy labelling and off label ingredient labelling for wine, are due to come into force across the EU on 8 December 2023. Despite an impending implementation date, a number of uncertainties remain around the measure, which we are working with Wine Australia and our international

One of Australian Grape & Wine’s ATMAC Project commitments this year, is to support the delivery of an international wine regulatory forum in 2022/23. Following extensive preparations during the first half of 2023, we arranged and delivered the first India – Australia Wine Regulatory Forum (the forum) in Delhi on 31 May & 1 June

The 15th round of Australia-European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations concluded last Friday, 28 May 2023 in Brussels. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have since noted that “Negotiators made substantial progress, closing many chapters across the agreement. Australia aims to conclude a comprehensive and ambitious FTA with the EU as

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has announced two Budget measures in her address to the National Press Club on 27th April 2023. 1.    Increasing the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) from $53,900 to $70,000 effective 1 July 2023.2.    All temporary skilled workers will have a pathway to permanent residency by 31 December 2023. All

As per the FSANZ approval report the variation amends Standard 2.7.1 of the Code to permit the use of an alternative pregnancy warning mark with the following requirements: The report noted: This approach prescribes colour, contrast and an increased label size compared with the existing size requirements for outer packaging, ensuring effectiveness of the pregnancy

International Forums

12 April 2023

As previously noted, Australian Grape & Wine has been engaged in a number of key international forums related to wine over the past month. International Organisation of Vine and Wine & World Wine Trade Group The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) technical meetings were held from 28 February to 10 March 2023, followed

UK Alcohol Duties Revision In Late December 2022, the UK Government announced it would extend the alcohol duty freeze, due to end on 1 February 2023, by six months to 1 August 2023. This was a welcomed relief and provided greater assurance for the Australian wine sector, which has faced uncertainty around duties for wine

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) Spring meetings are underway between 28 February and 10 March 2023. Australian Grape & Wine’s Director of Strategy and International Affairs, Damien Griffante, is attending to ensure the Australian wine sector’s interests are maintained. So what is it all about, and why is it important to the

Red Blotch Update

9 March 2023

Last year’s detection of grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) remains an open incident while the situation is being assessed.  The first vines infected with GRBV are believed to have arrived in Australia in 1969, or earlier, and there are now several wine and table grape variety clone combinations that have tested positive in WA, Victoria

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