Media & Events Centre


New economic modelling from ABARES indicates sustained downward pressure on grape pricing across Australia’s key production regions of the Riverina, Riverland and Murray Darling-Swan Hill. The report highlights the need to increase investment in diversifying our export market. Australian Grape & Wine’s Pre-Budget Submission presents a range of options for the Australian Government to consider

8 March 2023 The 2023 UN Women Australia’s IWD Theme is CrackingTheCode: Innovation for a gender-equal future. Innovation is a driver of change and by embracing new technologies and championing the unique skills and knowledge of women in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (STEM), we can accelerate our progress towards a gender-equal future for the

Australian Grape & Wine has established the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Wine (DEIW) Committee because we believe that the Australian grape and wine sector can – and should – be driving positive cultural change in all workplaces, in all regions of our sector. See the DEIW Committee’s Statement of Intent here. How concerned are you about diversity,

A reminder to Australian grape and wine producers of the available online resources for Vintage 2023. Combined, the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), Wine Australia and Australian Grape &Wine have a number of resources available to winegrape growers and winemakers for use during our annual harvest. We have pulled together a list of Industry endorsed

As noted in previous editions of Member Bites, the European Union (EU) is expected to implement new requirements for products sold on the European market to include Nutritional and Ingredient labelling. These requirements were established under the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reforms, implemented in 2021. They establish a framework for wine labelling of nutritional

UK Alcohol Duties Review

24 January 2023

In late December 2022, the United Kingdom (UK) Government announced it would extend the Alcohol Duty Freeze, due to end on 1 February 2023, by six months, to 1 August 2023. This was a welcomed relief, providing greater assurance for the Australian wine sector, which has faced uncertainty around duties for wine exported to the

On 30 November 2022, the European Commission announced it would revise the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. Key objectives of this review is to: These objectives aim to support the targets established under the European Green Deal and the new circular economy action plan that strives towards “all packaging on the EU market being reusable

Whether written or spoken, an agreement between two parties that involves an offer and acceptance is normally considered to be a contractual obligation. Therefore, a decision not to buy grapes or to downgrade grapes requires careful consideration. It is important that methods used to assess quality in the vineyard are as objective as possible and in

The Australian Government recently confirmed that both the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA), and the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) had moved one step closer to entry into force, as they were successfully passed through the Australian Parliament during the week of 21 November 2022. Concurrently, Minister for Trade and Tourism, the Hon

Recent weather conditions in certain regions have unfortunately been conducive to downy mildew infection. Phosphorous acid is a registered fungicide that is commonly used to prevent or control downy mildew; however, residues in wine are to be expected if it is used at any time during the growing season. Although Australia has a maximum residue

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