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Members will be well aware of the decision to implement a tri-colour, mandated pregnancy warning label on their containers (e.g. bottles, casks, cans) and on outer packaging (e.g. cartons), all of which enters into force on 1 August 2023. We knew the requirements to place a red, white and black warning statements on cartons was

It was disappointing and surprising to read the New South Wales Environment Minister’s press release of 15 October 2022 that the Government was proposing to include wine bottles in the New South Wales Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). This announcement, made with no consultation or forewarning with the wine sector, would – under a conservative estimate

Australian Grape & Wine was delighted by the Albanese Government’s decision to retain the Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grants program in the recent Federal Budget. As is usual practice when there is a change of Government, programs initiated by the former Government were put under the microscope by the Albanese Government with a number

Australian Grape & Wine is pleased to observe that there has been a good response from industry to the ACCC’s recommendation that winemakers bring grower payment terms forward. Several large winemakers have reported that their terms are now more favourable than those required under the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases. The ACCC considers

Australian Grape & Wine recently released a biosecurity alert notifying members that Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (GRBV) has been detected for the first time in Australia and is known to be in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Trace forward activities are in progress to confirm the extent of spread. Trace back activities show that

By Anna Hooper – Manager, Industry Policy, Australian Grape & Wine. Most grape and wine producers would probably say it is the significant shift in the supply demand balance caused by the loss of bottled wine exports to China in late 2020, coinciding with a record-breaking bumper crop the following year. Incidentally, the average price

By Damien Griffante, Director of Strategy & International Affairs, Australian Grape & Wine For years now you have heard us constantly raise concerns around the protectionist behaviour being used by our European competitors to gain a competitive advantage for key grape varieties like Prosecco, under the guise of protection of Geographic Indications (GIs). They have

Following the signing of the New Zealand Free Trade Agreement and the resumption of bilateral relations between the Australian Government and France, Australia-EU FTA negotiations have resumed. It is anticipated these negotiations will be completed in the next 12-18 months. Negotiations on wine related issues are still proceeding in parallel to the main FTA discussions

In December 2020, the Australian Government announced funding to support various sectors to expand and diversify their exports under its Agri-business Expansion Initiative (ABIE). Under the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Agricultural Trade and Market Access (AMTAC) grants program, Australian Grape & Wine has secured funds to support grape and wine businesses impacted by the disruption of exports

We have seen a large increase in membership of the Sustainable Winegrowing Australia (SWA) program and we are starting to gain traction with recognition both domestically and internationally. The program will continue to improve and is poised to become a major strength in underpinning Australia’s wine brand strategy. Sustainability is no longer a nice to

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