Media & Events Centre


The lack of clear guidance on next steps with the Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant is causing concern and questions from industry. Australian Grape & Wine is seeking urgent advice from the Australian Government about the status of the Wine Tourism and Cellar Door grants program. Under the program, producers who meet the eligibility


9 September 2022

Water is a big issue for the Labor Government and one where The Australian grape and wine sector will need to ensure we have a strong footprint in the decision-making process. Labor has committed $34m to establish a National Water Commission aiming to drive reform, future-proof water resources and increase policy transparency. Labor has also

The Jobs and Skills Summit has come and gone. Although Australian Grape & Wine did not attend the summit, we participated in a Round Table with the Trade Minister immediately preceding the Summit to convey our messages on behalf of the grape and wine industry. The Government clearly understands our issues and the difficulties we

Budget 2022

9 September 2022

The Government is bringing down a Budget on 25 October 2022. This Budget will be aimed at bringing forward funding for the Government’s priorities announced in the election campaign and on review of existing programs. Australian Grape & Wine is taking forward a very targeted ask for measures to grow demand and help growers and

UK Alcohol Duties

5 August 2022

Over the past twelve months, members exporting to the UK will have been keeping a close eye on the UK Government’s proposals to amend alcohol duties. For those unfamiliar with the issue, we have been working with members and Australia’s High Commission in London to put forward our concerns about the practical implementation and potential

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are a major contributor to improving export market access and removing barriers to trade. These are now more important than ever with the Australian grape and wine sector’s continued prioritised efforts to grow and diversify our export markets. We take a look at the status of some key FTAs that will

Nominations for the 2022 Australian Biosecurity Awards are now open and close 5pm AEST 22 August 2022. The Awards recognise individuals, groups and organisations that have shown a commitment to supporting and promoting biosecurity. These awards bring to the fore the fact that everyone has a role to play in biosecurity. The eight categories for

The Labor Government has now settled into its stride. There has been a focus on resetting Australia’s image internationally, with a particular emphasis on climate change and enhancing strategic relationships with the Pacific region and more broadly. We have met with the new Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, Senator the Hon Murray Watt and he

According to Rabobank, Australia’s agricultural sector can expect to contend with elevated ocean container shipping costs and ongoing supply disruptions for at least another year before a ‘normalisation’ of the global ocean freight system, according to new research from Rabobank. In its Global Ocean Freight Outlook report, the specialist agribusiness bank says while global container

Food Standards Australia-New Zealand is working on three separate proposals that may have an impact on wine labelling requirements in the future. We’re working with FSANZ and other industry stakeholders with a view to supporting options that are evidence based, sensible and practical from a cost and regulatory compliance perspective. Such decisions also need to

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