
Member Benefits

Australian Grape & Wine is Australia’s national association of grape and wine producers, providing leadership, strategy, advocacy and support that serves Australia’s 2,100+ winemakers and more than 6,000 winegrape growers.

In addition to our advocacy efforts, as a member of Australian Grape & Wine you will receive a range of valuable services to help strengthen your businesses. We provide: 

  • eAlerts and eNews with timely and relevant information to help you understand the key issues facing your business
  • Guidance and support on regulatory issues
  • Industry briefings focused on issues facing the sector
  • Online workshops, seminars and webinars
  • Access and discounts on various industry tools and resources
  • An opportunity for you to join other leaders of your sector to help drive profitable and sustainable Australian grape and wine businesses into the future.

Our tax-deductible membership is your insurance policy against badly designed policies that ultimately hit your bottom line.  So invest in advocacy, have a seat at the table and be part of the conversation to create a future in which Australian grape and wine businesses can continue to thrive.


 Winemaker MemberVigneron MemberFull Affiliate MemberSponsor Affiliate MemberProfessional MemberRepresentative Grower Association Member *
Exclusive networking opportunities & invitations to exclusive industry events  Yes Yes Yes   Yes  Yes
Eligible to nominate for Membership Committee position  Yes  Yes       Yes
Display business logo on Australian Grape & Wine website  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes Representative Grower Association Logo
Invitation to the AGM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Invitation to Australian Grape & Wine’s Industry Briefing  Yes  Yes  YesOnline  Yes  Yes
Invitation to participating industry events  Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes  Yes
Invitation to online events Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Discounted rates for participating industry roadshows  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Receive eNewsletter, eAlerts and member communications  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Receive Press Releases Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Priority Announcements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eligible to nominate for Advisory Committee positions Yes Yes Yes    Yes Yes

* Due to privacy laws, Australian Grape & Wine does not have access to representative grower association member contact details.  All communications and invitations are forwarded directly to the representative grower association for distribution.  If you would like to receive direct communication from Australian Grape & Wine, please contact us at

For more information on Membership with Australian Grape & Wine, email us at or call to speak with one of our team on 08 8133 4300.