
Membership Categories & How to Join

Australian Grape & Wine members participate across the entire Australian wine sector, from the wine producers, the winegrape growers, and the greater supply chain.


2024-25 Membership Prospectus

The 2023-2024 membership period begins 1 July 2023.  To join us as a member this year, click the Join Online Here button above. For more information on the work we do for our members and the greater grape and wine sector, please peruse the 2023-2024 Membership Prospectus.

If you would like more information, please speak with one of our team on 08 8133 4300, or email us at

Australian Grape & Wine offers five categories of membership for all participants in the Australian wine sector.  Select the membership category below that matches your business to find out more about your category, the fees, and how you can join.

1. Wine Producer

An organisation that produces wine in Australia or has wine produced for them in Australia from their own grapes; or

purchases grapes or wine in Australia from another person for sale under their own brand. 

2. Vigneron

An organisation whose principal business is growing grapes in Australia on a commercial basis for use in the production of wine.

Please note, if your principal business is producing wine, your membership type should be a Wine Producer. 

3. Joint Membership with Queensland Wine Industry Association (QWIA)

Available to small wine producers in Queensland (up to 2000 tonnes) to become members of both organisations. In doing so a $165 discount on the Australian Grape & Wine membership fee applies. 

4. Contract Grape and Wine Processors

An organisations whose principal business is to produce wine in Australia for another person/business from third party grapes.

5. Affiliate Membership

An organisation or individual who is closely associated with the wine industry, but their primary business is not as a Vigneron or Wine producer.