
Wine Producer

Tonnage crush determines the membership category to which you belong:

Small Winemaker – up to 2,000 tonnes
Medium Winemaker – between 2,001 and 100,000 tonnes
Large Winemaker – above 100,000 tonnes

Fees are calculated on tonnage crush for producers up to 500 tonnes, starting from $286 for an annual membership. For those whose production is above 500 tonnes, the fee is calculated on domestic and export sales revenue:

20 tonnes and below$286
21 – 100 tonnes$505
101-500 tonnes$505 plus $3 per tonne on production above 100 tonnes
Above 500 tonnes$0.0013763 per dollar of gross domestic sales revenue plus
$0.000206 per dollar of gross export sales revenue



Download Wine Producers Membership Form

Terms & Conditions: 

All fees quoted are in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST.

Fees are for one year’s membership and are non-refundable.

Australian Grape & Wine reserve the right to reassess membership fee calculations.

Payment can be made via EFT or Credit Card. We accept VISA and Mastercard.

When purchasing from Australian Grape & Wine your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit  SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology.

Individual information is kept strictly confidential in accordance with our privacy policy.