Policy & Issues
Standard Drinks Logo
All Australian wine producers are required by the Food Standards Code to state the number of standard drinks contained in their bottle or any form of packaging on the labelling of that packaging. Traditionally this has been described using words (ie – ‘Contains Approx 8.3 Standard Drinks’), but government and industry have now agreed to provide a graphical representation of Standard Drinks as an alternative.

As shown here, the new stylised wine glass logo aims to make the standard drinks content more obvious to consumers and therefore increase their awareness of this important component of enjoying wine responsibly. Use of the logo can replace the previous Standard Drinks message.
Companies that also carry the message ‘Enjoy wine in moderation’ on their labels are encouraged to continue doing so.
An adjustable high-resolution EPS version of the Standard Drinks logo, which allows graphic designers or printers to customise the logo according to the number of standard drinks in a bottle or package, can be downloaded here. The file is compressed as a zip file (Right click and “Save As”).
The logo should be used as downloaded, without altering its shape, proportions or individual elements. The words “Standard drink” must be included with the glass.
Important note: You will need a vector art program such as Illustrator or Corel Draw to be able adjust the logo. If you do not have such a program, the logo may open as a PDF in Acrobat Distiller but you will not be able to adjust it. (IE users: When you click to save and download the .eps file, ensure that you change the following in the Save Dialogue box, file type from Postscript to All Files and edit the file extension from .ps to .eps – prior to saving to your desktop).