Policy & Issues

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion in Wine

Australian Grape & Wine will continue to lead the sector in Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Wine (DEIW) by driving uptake on the DEIW Charter for the Australian wine sector. 

Much has happened since the Charter and Action Plan were created in 2019. As such, Australian Grape & Wine have re-established a new Committee for DEIW. The Charter has been updated to reflect current society, while planning and strategic alignment for the Action Plan for the sector is under review.

DEIW Committee Statement of Intent

The Charter

Signatories to the Charter

Australian Grape & Wine continues to seek greater diversity, equality and inclusion in the sector, requiring all Committee members to become signatories and support the principles in the Charter. Members of Australian Grape & Wine will be encouraged to become signatories and support the principles in the Charter.

To sign up to the Charter, click on the relevant link below:

For Businesses – Become a signatory to the Australian Grape & Wine Diversity and Equality Charter

For individuals – Become a signatory to the Australian Grape & Wine Diversity and Equality Charter

Current Activities:

Galbreath Report

A new report Women in the Australian wine sector: How have the numbers changed in CEO, winemaking, viticulture, and marketing roles since 2013? conducted by Dr Jeremy Galbreath of Strateos Group, has revealed an increase in the representation of the studied roles in the Australian grape and wine community. This piece of work was done on the request from AGW’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Wine (DEIW) Committee and we thank Wine Australia for supporting this important research.

Dr Galbreath’s original study assessed gender composition of the wine sector over the period 2007–2013. The new study covering 2021–2023 has shown that nationally, the number of:

  • women in a CEO role is now 33.7 per cent, an increase of 21 per cent over the previous findings of 12.7 per cent
  • women in a winemaking role is 16.7 per cent, an increase of 7.9 per cent over the previous findings of 8.8 per cent
  • women in a viticulture role is now 21.5 per cent, an increase of 11.5 per cent over the previous findings of 10 per cent, and
  • women in wine marketing is now 58.4 per cent, an increase of 4.9 per cent over the previous findings of 53.5 per cent.

We need your support to spread the word. Tag us in with #DEIW on your socials and watch this movement grow.

Watch the response to DEIW (then DEW) at the AWITC Session 3 of the Outlook Conference – Getting the Foundations Right, Monday 22 July 2019: Watch Session 3 – Getting the Foundations Right.

DEIW Committee:

Emily Hay – Paragon Wine Estates (Chair)
Lee McLean – Australian Grape & Wine
Rachel Triggs – Advisory Board, Australian Women in Wine
Corrina Wright – Olivers Taranga
Helen Strachan – Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Angie Bradbury – Bradbury&Co
Nikki Palun – Octtava Wines
Mardi Longbottom – Australian Wine Research Institute
Cath Oates – Oates End
Ali Laslett – Australian Grape & Wine (Secretariat)