Policy & Issues
Growing Our Exports
The Growing our Exports project is aimed at continuing to improve trade and grow demand in diversified international markets for Australian wine, to assist the sector’s effort to withstand the impact of China’s decision to impose prohibitive anti-dumping duties on Australian bottled wine.
The effective closure of the $1.2 billion China market has resulted in impacts being felt by the whole grape and wine sector, including those businesses that do not export. The only way we can begin to mitigate these impacts is to grow demand elsewhere, and this project will support the sector to do this.
Government investment in our sector through Stage 1 of the ATMAC grant saw $998,000 awarded to Australian Grape & Wine in 2021. This initial investment in the first stage of our project involved:
- Development of a high-level sector framework to deliver growth through market diversification in the Australian Grape and Wine sector.
- Establishment of two in-market consumer and trade focused Australian wine ambassadors, one in Japan and one in South Korea.
- Development of a detailed sector trade and market access strategy and associated action plan that targets removal of barriers to trade to reduce time and cost imposts on the sectors exports.
- Creation of a United States wine market tool that will provide small and medium Australian wine businesses with a greater understanding of differing requirements across all 50 states, and provide information supporting the businesses to develop strategies to enter the market.
Key pillars
The project will focus on three key pillars of work to improve trade and grow demand:
- Marketing and promotion – through our Australian Wine Ambassador program, we are building consumer understanding of Australian wine through expanding marketing and promotion activities under the established framework.
- Trade and market access – improving trade and market access by removing or reducing barriers identified in the action plan.
- Long-term India strategy – initiating long-term strategic collaboration with India to enable the future potential of the market to be realised and support broader trade relations.
The $1,817,000 grant funds announced in April 2022 for ATMAC Stage 2 will allow Australian Grape & Wine to lead a number of activities in collaboration with national wine sector organisations and state and regional associations to support improved trade and growth of export markets into 2024.