Policy & Issues

In-Market Country Managers

As detailed in the Framework to deliver growth through market diversification in the Australian grape and wine sector, we have established in-market Country Manager roles for Australian wine in two key emerging markets – South Korea and Japan. These roles focus on consumer and trade facing marketing and promotion of Australian wine and play a critical role in market understanding and coordinating efforts between the sector and the market. Our Country Managers will start in these roles in mid 2022.

The stage two funds will be used to ensure the longevity of these roles into 2024 and expand the in-market activities of these existing roles.

To further support our Country Managers through ATMAC, Australian Grape & Wine commissioned a consumer research project designed to assist the Australian wine sector to grow demand in diversified international markets. The report, Uncorking new opportunities for Australian Wine in Japan & South Korea, highlights key consumer understandings of the wine beverage category and the perception of Australian wine within these two markets. These insights provide the foundation for Australian wine businesses to better understand this consumer, placing them in a position to reap the benefits of these valuable markets. 

Australian Grape & Wine hosted a free webinar to share these findings in more detail with industry. You can watch the webinar Recording here.

In addition, Stage 2 project funds will be utilised to establish a third Country Manager role in another market. This third Country Manager role will be determined by Australian Grape & Wine in consultation with the sector and the Joint Marketing Group.

These funds are an additional government boost to industry levies paid to Wine Australia to deliver marketing on behalf of the Australian wine sector. Strategy and coordination of industry engagement with these roles will be provided by Australian Grape & Wine, with activities governed by a Joint Steering Committee and Joint Marketing Group with Wine Australia. Wine Australia will also play a key role in managing the operational administration of the Country Manager roles.