Policy & Issues

USA Wine Market Tool

Look at the USA as not a single wine market, but rather 51 market opportunities that require a unique and significant effort for sales penetration, distribution and consumer support.

Our USA Wine Market Tool is a jurisdictional/political map that can be filtered by wine laws, market structure, channel availability and wine producer preference to the greatest extent allowed by data availability. It highlights US States based on filters including tiers of pricing opportunity, data indicating commercial opportunity in each state, information about legal constraints on alcohol sales in B2B and DTC models and distribution structure by state with identification of significant risks.

The Map

A zoomable satellite map indicating major commercial opportunity centres based around searchable elements that are indicators of commercial wine opportunity. It shows the whole of the USA with state boundaries and commercial features and clusters that indicate high wine activity and opportunity such as concentrations of small wine shops and wine bars, wealth centres, population centres and indicators of the presence of wealth centre and locations of significant wine specialists.

The Filter

The two-phase model of filtering allows you to filter by commercial opportunity, how you currently sell wine and by analysis of ease and risks of access. It avoids the pitfall of looking at structure first before making commercial decisions, giving commercial opportunity equal weighting with analysing state structure.

How to use the USA Wine Market Tool

Watch the How to use video to familiarise yourself with the USA Wine Market Tool map and filter options. The USA Wine Market Tool is available for all Australian wine producers to make the best export decisions for your business. Click on the USAWineMarketTool to access the map.