Policy & Issues

Research & Development

Australian Grape & Wine ensures the industry’s voice is heard when decisions are made about funding and priorities for wine sector research, development and extension activities.

This includes both formal input, on the industry’s behalf, into the development of Wine Australia’s forward planning and ongoing collaboration with Wine Australia, the AWRI, other research centres and the Federal Government.

In 2017 Australian Grape & Wine (formerly WFA) formed the Research Advisory Committee (RAC). This is a new committee which supersedes the former WFA Innovation Policy Committee. The core role of the RAC is to provide recommendations and advice to Australian Grape & Wine with regard to research, development, extension and innovation for the Australian wine industry.

Our focus is to:

  • encourage a high level of industry participation in setting the R,D&E agenda
  • ensure that returns from R,D&E activities are maximised and driven by industry demands
  • expand the funding base for R,D&E by attracting new investors and a broader range of participants
  • provide clear advice to the Government on R&D issues on behalf of the wine industry
  • foster a cooperative approach between industry, researchers, funding bodies and government.
