Policy & Issues

Trade & Market Access

Australian Grape & Wine continues to ensure barriers to trade are removed or reduced where applicable, and will continue to actively advocate for fair trade arrangements for all Australian winemakers.  Working with the Australian Government and Wine Australia, Australian Grape & Wine:

  • Promotes free trade and the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers for wine
  • Ensures international standards are set on the basis of sound science and not used as an impediment to trade
  • Maintains the integrity of the current multilateral trade agreements under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation
  • Present submissions on behalf of the wine industry to Free Trade Agreement negotiations
  • Participates in the Wine Industry Market Access GroupWorld Wine Trade Group, International Organisation of Wine and Vine (OIV) and FIVS, (which works to promote a global alcohol industry free from trade-distorting factors); APEC and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

China anti-dumping investigation on wines from Australia

On Sunday 22 October 2023, Prime Minister Albanese announced that China has agreed to expedite a review of its wine import duties. 

The review process by the Chinese Government is expected to take five months and Australian Grape & Wine will engage in and support that process in any way we can.  We understand Australia will suspend the wine dispute in the World Trade Organisation pending the outcome of this review.

Trade and Market Access Strategy – ATMAC Project

The trade and market access pillar of the ATMAC project supports a broad range of activities established under the Trade and Market Access Strategy and its action plan developed in Stage 1.

This includes a range of collaborative technical and regulatory initiatives which are aimed at efforts to mitigate trade barrier risks, streamline aspects of trade in key markets to reduce cost and time impost and to support greater regulatory cooperation. Areas of activity include:

  • Supporting the establishment of ongoing regulatory forums with key markets (building on the highly successful APEC Wine Regulatory Forums);
  • Development of systems to assist with monitoring, tracking and reporting of trade barrier information;
  • Expansion of laboratory proficiency testing and work on harmonisation of testing methods;
  • Assessment and the development of a report on key sustainability trends (consumer, customer and regulatory) in major wine markets;
  • Work with international wine retailers in support of recognition of Australian wine sector sustainability credentials (including reducing market impediments in the Canadian and Scandinavian monopolies);
  • Further investment in US wine market tool to continuously improve its value for the sector; and
  • Supporting technical exchange and cooperative efforts across key international forums such as the World Trade Organization, Codex Alimentarius, APEC, OIV and World Wine Trade Group.

The activities under this pillar will be initiated during 2022 and will continue into 2024, utilising just under 30% of the total grant funding.

Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement 

The Australian Government announcement on 2 April 2022, that Australia had signed the interim Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI ECTA), is the starting point and an opportunity to grow exports of Australian wine.

December 2022 Update

News Post

Media Release

Australia-UK Free Trade agreement

The Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement was signed on 17 December 2021 and is expected to enter into force in 2022.

Austrade have provided immediate resources for Australian Grape & Wine members to assist with diversification or growth opportunities now available in the UK market:

December 2022 Update

Marketing Toolkit

Austrade FTA webpage to access case studies, sector outcomes and more.

The latest updates from around the world in wine:

IARD News Analysis Report – How are the world’s governments responding to COVID-19?  Restrictions and reversals in alcohol sales policies – May 2020

The Prosecco GI Lie – February 2020

Monash University report on the ‘EU’s attempts to limit the use of the term ‘Prosecco” – Feb 2019

Overview of the grape variety Nero d’Avola, its use and protection in Australia – November 2018

Trans-Pacific Partnership: What’s in it for Australian Wine businesses? – March 2018

WTO – Canada – Measures governing the sale of wine – January 2018

Australia’s additive and processing aid amendments – September 2017

Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation – September 2017

The China Draft Wine Standard – September 2017

China Certificate Update – September 2017

International Protection of Terms – August 2017

Nutrition Labelling – Australian Wine Industry Response – August 2017

Japan – European Union (Prosecco) FTA Update – July 2017

China AQSIQ Certificate Update – July 2017

Brexit Update
 – March 2017

EU Labelling Update – March 2017


Australia’s Free Trade Agreements

DFAT Free Trade Agreement Portal
What the Chinese- Australia Free trade agreement means for you? (PDF)
EU-Australian Wine Trade Agreement (PDF)
WWTG Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labelling (PDF) (http://ita.doc.gov/tdocgwwtg.htm)
Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) (PDF)
Thailand- Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) (PDF)