Policy & Issues

WET Seminars & Webinars

2018 WET: Back to Basics Seminars & Webinar

During October to December 2018, Winemaker’s Federation of Australia ran a series of WET: Back to Basics seminars, presented by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), in major wine regions.  We visited 12 regions and presented to over 300+ attendees.  100% of attendee’s survey responses stated they walked away with an “increased knowledge of the WET system, which they would immediately be able to apply to their WET processing requirements”.  

The ATO has produced a webinar of the 2018 WET: Back to Basics Seminar.  

Watch the ATO WET: Back to Basics Webinar

2017 WET Rebate Webinar

Watch the WFA WET Rebate Webinar


The Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) legislation changes were agreed by the Australian Parliament on 17 August 2017 and are now law, known as the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measure No.4) Act 2017.  Winemakers who currently access the rebate, or sell grapes to a wine producer who receives the rebate, will need to understand the implications of the changes.

Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have developed materials for guidance on the key changes before the next vintage.  WFA and State Wine Association’s hosted a series of seminars with the ATO and Wine Australia as guest speakers across major Australian wine regions.  The Webinar is a virtual version of the seminars.

The ATO covers key issues arising from the legislative changes, including:

Demonstrating proof of grape ownership
Required record-keeping
Implications for contractual arrangements
Distributor model implications
Trademark requirements
Transitional arrangements

Support Materials

2017 ATO Presentation

WET Rebate Eligibility Flow Chart

Start Dates & Transitional Arrangements Table

Wine Australia Presentation

Wine Australia Website (the Package)

ATO Website – www.ato.gov.au

ATO New Measures Guidance – wetnewmeasures@ato.gov.au

ATO General WET Guidance – wettechadvice@ato.gov.au