REMINDER: Changes to Australian Allergen Labelling requirement soon coming into force (Australia & New Zealand)

As advised in our May 2021 member news, on 25 February 2021 the Australia and New Zealand Food Standard Code (FSC) was amended to introduce new requirements for the labelling of allergens in food. These amendments include impactions for wine under (S9-3) Mandatory Declarations of the FSC.

Key changes include mandatory requirements for allergen labelling to use terms which are understood by a consumer. These include for example using terms such as “milk (instead of Casein), egg or sulphites (instead of Preservative 220).

A transition period is currently underway, and businesses have 3 years from 25 February 2021 to implement the new requirements. There will then be a further two year transition period for labelled stock-in-trade.

We urge all producers to review these requirements if they have not already done so, to ensure their labels remain compliant when the changes come into force. More information is available at the links below: